The Weaponization of Social Media and Sociology

The Power of Perceived Consensus

Many years ago I learned about the Asch Conformity Experiment. I could explain it, but this video, with footage from the actual tests probably introduces it best.

This study highlights the powerful effect that our perception of the consensus around us has on our behavior. In this study it was found the majority of people would deny what they knew to be objectively true if the group around them unanimously denied that truth. People either convinced themselves that their perception must have been wrong because everyone else around them held a different view, or they just went along with the group to avoid being criticized or making waves.

Additionally, while only one dissenting voice was enough for others to also break ranks from the group consensus, people who yielded to group pressure served to increase the pressure to conform on those around them by adding another voice supporting the group’s denial of reality.

In an individual situation this may not be to dangerous or harmful.  However, according to Alasdair MacIntyre’s theory of tradition-constituted rationality, humans perceive and define what is reasonable or appropriate based largely on tradition. Tradition itself may be thought of as a group consensus that is transmitted over time. This means that in a larger perspective, the yielding to group pressure, despite plain evidence to the contrary, is the first step towards something clearly false evolving into something that is so widely accepted as true it is rarely, if ever, examined or criticized

I bring this up because it is in light of humanity’s propensity to yield to the consensus we perceive around us that a number of recent revelations regarding the State and Social Media should be seen. Understood and seen together, these revelations should be quite alarming to anyone paying attention. In this post I will examine recent stories regarding the Facebook “emotional contagion” study, the Minerva Research Initiative, and revelations regarding GCHQ programs and what they mean for the future.

The Facebook “Emotional Contagion” Study


It was recently revealed that the Facebook corporation carried out a social experiment on hundred of thousands of its users. (The actual manuscript published from this study can be found here.) In this study they manipulated the number of positive and negative messages a user saw on their timeline and they observed the impact this had on the nature of the posts the user themselves put forward. The result was that they discovered they could manipulate the emotions of their users through controlling the type of content they saw. People who saw less positive postings posted more negative messages, while those who saw less negative postings posted more positive messages.

Before I say more I should just say that as someone working in mental health research, having such a gigantic population that is uploading a vast trove of data, information and interactions at your disposal and open to your manipulation for experiments is just about any researchers dream. However, I believe this study was unethical because Facebook and their Cornell collaborators carried out this research without properly obtained informed consent. Facebook’s terms of service include a clause that states that users release their information for “data analysis, testing, [and] research,” so this study had legal consent, but this is not the same thing as informed consent required by most social disciplines. “Participants” who were manipulated were never informed of this study nor of any dangers it may have posed to them. This research was unethical but carried out anyway for the benefit of Facebook, not its users.

Considered by itself, this study might not be that unnerving. In fact, ethical issues aside, similar studies have shown the same phenomenon occurs with text message and other forms of community. But it does act as a proof of concept that someone with the power to control the Facebook feed can influence large groups of people in certain ways. This becomes more alarming when we look at what else was recently revealed.

The Minerva Research Initiative


Around this same time new information came to light about the Minerva Research Initiative. The Minerva Research Initiative or Project Minerva is a series of studies and research programs at various academic institutions being funded by the Pentagon. While individually they appear to be rather normal research efforts that are undertaken by universities, as a whole they reveal that the Pentagon is spending millions of dollars studying civil unrest and social movements in the hopes of better understanding them, controlling them, and preparing for a possible social collapse. This, in the words of Natasha Lennard of Vice, is an example of “using the academy for the militaristic purposes of studying and stemming dissent.”

There are two aspects of this initiative that are especially troubling and relevant to note here. First, one of the researchers from the Facebook “emotional contagion” study, Jeffrey T. Hancock of Cornell University, has also received funding from the Minerva Research Initiative. In his work funded by the Pentagon Hancock has been studying the spread of ideas through social media under oppressive state regimes. Where one study tracks “emotional contagion” another tracks “social contagions” or the spread of ideas and popular opinion. The desire to understand the spread of ideas and beliefs in social movements is not being funded by the Pentagon to in a desire to contribute beneficial information to the discipline of sociology, but is to increase the Pentagon’s ability to stop, undermine or control social movements and the spread of ideas that challenge the State.

Second, the Minerva Research Initiative is focused in some cases explicitly on peaceful activists, not militants or extremists. The rationale underlying this is that any activist, peaceful or not, who is critical of the state or corporate status quo is on or part of “a conveyor belt to extremism.” Again, studying the behavior and actions of peaceful activists, including their utilization of social media, is being pursued to enable ways for the Pentagon to limit the effectiveness or even manipulate such persons. This isn’t about fighting terrorism; this is about fighting challenges to the status quo.

For more on the Minerva Research Initiative check out Unauthorized Disclosure’s interview with Nafeez Ahmed, one of a small number of journalists who has been following this Initiative for some time, or his interview with Abby Martin of RT.

State Manipulation of Society Through Social Media



While perhaps unethical or unsettling, some might suggest the pursuit of this research isn’t indicative of the State’s desire or ability to exert control over society through social media. I would disagree and recent revelations from The Intercept back me up.

Edward Snowden has recently provided evidence revealing that the Joint Threat Research Intelligence Group (JTRIG), an extension of the British spy agency GCHQ, has developed tools to do exactly that. Glen Greenwald reports that the documents reveal JTRIG “has developed covert tools to seed the internet with false information, including the ability to manipulate the results of online polls, artificially inflate pageview counts on web sites, ‘amplif[y]’ sanctioned messages on YouTube, and censor video content judged to be ‘extremist.'”

I encourage my readers to look at the actual document and read over the extent and scope of these programs. Twitter, Linkedin, Tor, Youtube, Google+, Paltalk, Facebook, MSN Messenger, SMS text messages, Dailymotion, Blackberrys, eBay, IRC, and GSM/Satellite phones are just some of the technologies and social media platforms targeted by these tools.

This is clear evidence that governments are not just attempting to monitor social media, and they are not just attempting to silence or discredit dissenters on social media, but they are looking for ways to very directly manipulate social media and to manipulate people through social media to their own ends. Frighteningly enough JTRIG has boasted most of the programs it advertised internally are “fully operational, tested and reliable.” Call me suspicious, but I doubt the NSA does not already have similar programs in place or not also pursuing them.

State and Corporate Collusion and Lack of Public Oversight and Accountability



The reality of research into and the weaponization of Social Media is additionally troublesome considering Social Media corporations have proved willing to continue the longstanding tradition of State and Corporate collusion. While many of the corporations implicated in revelations about the NSA’s PRISM program denied their involvement and feigned outrage and ignorance, some of these statements have been proved false. Additionally, Google has moved towards becoming a defense department contractor on the payroll of the U.S. Government. Maybe Google just realized how lucrative war is. Huge U.S. corporations such Yahoo, Google, Cisco and Microsoft have also already proved they are willing to censor their services at the request of foreign governments and their “we were legally bound” stance on NSA programs shows they are willing to work for and with the U.S. government in the same manner.

Making things even worse is the reality that in this arena both the State and Social Media corporations are operating behind the scenes with no real oversight. The State hides behind the claims of the need for secrecy to maintain national security. Even government officials tasked with providing oversight are prevented from discussing what they believe the public would be appalled by and others indicate they have been kept in “utter ignorance” regarding the full extent of these programs. Social Media corporations hide behind claims of proprietary technology and algorithms. The public is kept in the dark on how the systems they use work and who really controls them. How does Google decide will be on what page of your search results? How do Facebook and Twitter decide what will be displayed on your newsfeed? According to what criteria do some of the algorithms make these determinations? Can these algorithms be manipulated or specific results altered, and if so by whom? We know, at least with Facebook, there is apparatus in place to alter the newsfeed of hundreds of thousands of people in very nuanced ways with basically no way for anyone to detect this. So who has the power to do this, what scrutiny are they under and who do they answer to?

So far the only way the public has become aware of abuses of these powers is through whistleblowers like Snowden, people who the current administration, an administration that promised transparency, and has consistently prosecuted with vigor.

State (and Corporate) Efforts to Manipulate Through Media Are Not New


Now the State has always looked to use media to quell dissent and shape public perception and opinion in favor of State interests, which often turn out to be corporate interests. This is nothing new. For example, public opinion in the U.S. was so anti-imperialist and anti-expansion that the annexation of Hawaii in 1883 was seen as un-American. However, after a deluge of jingoistic newspaper articles, “Five years later, this consensus evaporated. Almost overnight, it was replaced by a national clamor for overseas expansion. This was the quickest and most profound reversal of public opinion in the history of American foreign policy.” And the annexation of Hawaii was ultimately so that missionaries-turned-sugar-barons could avoid paying a new tax on their sugar being sent to the U.S.

Radio and television media have likewise been used. The centralization of all media in the U.S. has increased the ease with which media is controlled and the danger it poses to everyone. Today in the U.S. six companies control 90% of the media, and directly determine what stories get reported and in what way. To think these forms of media are not already being used to shape public opinion and steer public discourse in favor of State and corporate interests would be absurd. So what’s the big deal about the weaponization and manipulation of Social Media?

Social Media as a Democratic, Unauthorized, Uncontrolled Space for Discourse


Social Media has created a space for unauthorized and uncontrolled discourse where the “social contagion” of ideas can spread rapidly. Social Media and the internet in general have also allowed us to connect to alternate sources of information from which to fact check and criticize the dominant narrative being pushed by centralized State and Corporate controlled Media. Today, regardless of whatever information or narrative a State or Corporation might be disseminating about a people, a situation, or a policy, I could go online and educate myself by connecting with other people and information available online. This was not possible a couple decades ago without time, travel and serious effort on my part. So, for example, despite media stories consistently being slanted against Hugo Chavez, I could examine his actions and the actions of his administration for myself thanks to the internet, connecting with people on the ground in Venezuela or by reading news sources not controlled by the State or Corporations.

Social Media in particular has proved especially important as a platform for silenced and ignored voices. Things we would never consider or learn about have been brought to our attention by connecting with people or ideas via networks outside the mainstream historic media systems. For example, #BringBackOurGirls hashtag on Social Media made Boko Haram’s mass kidnapping an international story. While the State’s use of this crisis to advance its agenda regarding the militarization of the African continent, one would not have expected this story to reach international levels without Social Media.

The Bottom Line: This is New Territory With Frightening Possibilities


Social Media then represents a threat to the ability of the State to exert control over its populace. It’s only natural then that the State would then seek to understand how Social Media operates and how to manipulate it thus bringing Social Media into their already considerable influence it has over other existing forms of media.

Just as the advent of drones has sparked a revolution in warfare and policing, so the State’s efforts to manipulate bring Social Media under its influence will also represent a revolution in the State and Corporate ability to influence and control society.

The Facebook “emotional contagion” study proved that large scale secret manipulation of Social Media and of people through Social Media is possible. The Minerva Research Initiative has and will continue to increase the State’s understanding of and ability to influence and undermine social movements, civil unrest and peaceful activists. The GCHQ programs are evidence that the State has already developed ways to secretly manipulate the content of Social Media in many ways.

As it stands, it is currently possible for certain persons to secretly manipulate the information millions of people take in, crafting it to suit whatever agenda they have in mind, in real-time. We have no idea who these people are, who they answer to, or what apparatus, if anything, holds them accountable. This all adds up to the weaponization of Social Media, and we are just at the beginning of this new push for control by the State.

What makes this new situation so frightening is that underlying all of this is what the Asch Conformity experiment pointed to: the incredible power of our perception of consensus. If it only took three or four people unanimously denying reality to get another person to yield to group pressure and also deny reality, what happens when a person sees a story, message or video with literally millions of views, hundreds of positive comments, likes and other evidence of agreement and consensus by their peers? How many people can be scared into silence or convinced to abandon their true perception of reality due to a false consensus being presented through Social Media? How could a person ever consider the alternatives to the status quo if every story they see through Social Media and other media about these alternatives is a straw-man caricature of these alternatives or a story that demonizes and embarrasses people who espouse them?

Because of this, secret State manipulation of Social Media does not just hinder or cripple Social Media’s ability to allow us to step outside of State and Corporate controlled narratives but will also expand the State’s ability to influence people through Social Media. Due to the prolific use of Social Media, previously impossible Orwellian forms of shaping public perception about the world are now possible, leaving us to consider the possibility of a rather dystopian future even worse than what we have now. We would do well to pay attention to this situation, prepare for more research and development from the State on this issue, and do whatever we can to enable and require transparency and fairness regarding the flow of information through Social Media.

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Suey Park and the Dire Need for the Prophetic Tradition

“Where are all the prophets who love God?”

– Ramone, spoken word poet

Suey Park, (who was mentioned last on this blog regarding the furor over #CancelColbert) recently posted about her experiences in the church, and before you continue please give it a read (LINKED HERE and also HERE).

Our trajectories out of Christian ministry and to a place with one foot in conservative faith communities and another in activist communities are eerily similar.

We both had become ardent members of evangelical circles involved in parachurch ministries. We both endorsed the “narratives of ascent” and “before and after” stories of faith exalted in these spaces. We both got stuck in weird stances on LGBT issues where we tried to maintain the traditional condemnation of queer identities as sinful but at the same time attempted to avoid marginalizing queer people. We both began questioning the culture of faith we knew. We both began connecting with other communities in order to learn and connect, not to proselytize. We both began to recognize the damage common Christian theology and practice does to marginalized and traumatized people. We both looked upon the killing of Osama Bin Laden and the Christian nationalism it evoked around us with criticismWe both were accused/questioned of being lesbian/gay when we began standing in solidarity with the queer community. We both began to see how Christianity often supported or was complicit in a variety of injustices.

Ultimately both of us failed to keep quiet, we rocked the boat too much, and have since begun sorting out how to pursue justice beyond the traditional boundaries of the Church.

To this end Park has recently co-founded with a number of others Killjoys and Prophets, “a consciousness-raising faith collective centering on women of color, feminism and activism.” Their hashtag is #killjoyprophets and their Twitter is @KilljoyProphets. Please take the time to check them out if this is something that sounds like your kind of deal.

Currently Park states that she is pondering two huge questions that I think are the right kind of questions to be asking of Christianity:

1) Will Christians embrace justice if it means letting go of the privileges they often find comfort and safety in?

2) Is the church willing to look within at its creation and perpetuation of systemic inequity rather than simply pointing fingers to the “secular” world?

The Death of the Prophetic

I wish all those involved with Killjoys and Prophets the best of luck. Their second piece, on racial reconciliation within the Church, especially in regards to AAPI communities, dropped a few days ago and it seems they are not pulling any punches with their critique and their desire is for real substantive change.

However, Park is not the first Christian that I’ve come across who has found themselves alienated from their faith community because of their faith inspired pursuit of justice and criticisms of the Church. I have met many people with very similar stories over the years.

While no community enjoys receiving criticism, the Christian church seems especially averse to any sort of exposure of its own problems. It has become incredibly adept at utilizing sophisticated deflections to avoid critique from anyone, Christian or not.

I believe this situation is in a large part due to the death of the prophetic tradition within Christianity. While the prophetic tradition exists in our Bible, and Ephesians 4:11 makes it clear this tradition was supposed to continue, Christianity rather quickly adopted structures and systems of power that mirrored secular institutions around them. The prophetic tradition had no place in this new order and any understanding or practice of the prophetic tradition was rather thoroughly eradicated from Christianity, to Christianity’s own detriment.

The Work of the Prophets

Before I say anymore I should make it clear what my understanding is of the prophetic tradition, and what its function was and is supposed to be.

Contrary to how I have heard the term commonly used, acting as a prophet does not mean standing up for vaguely defined Christian values as they become unpopular or condemning the sins of the secular world and speculating about the coming judgment of God.  Reading the prophetic works of the scripture it is clear the prophets often explained the judgments of God and this was at least part of their role, but it was rarely focused on the sins of outsiders and foreigners. They would explain the punishments that would befall (or had already befallen) the people of God and what sins or problems in the community had prompted these judgments.

Sometimes this problem was cultic (how the people of God were worshipping God). Sometimes this problem was idolatry (who the people of God were worshipping). More often than not the problem was in regards to justice (what the people of God were doing or failing to do).

In regards to that last point it should be noted that while that some of the moral codes in the Bible have changed or been modified over the centuries, providing justice for the vulnerable has been a consistent exhortation throughout scriptures. The people of God were and are judged as righteous or unrighteous according to how they are treating the poorest and weakest among them. Are they providing justice to the foreigner, the widower, the orphan and the poor or are they exploiting the most vulnerable among them?

The prophets or prophetesses were calling the people of God back to their senses and inviting them to return to the ways of the God of Israel, the ways of justice. In his book The Challenge of Jesus N.T. Wright labels this important function of the prophets as “critique from within.” While criticism from the outside might be merited and important to pay attention to, it is indispensable to have people within our own communities calling us to live aligned with our own ideals, people from within calling us to be true to ourselves.

The Dire Need for Prophetic Voices

Over the centuries, the loss of the prophetic tradition has been problematic for Christianity as a whole. Time and time again both within scripture and in the history of Christianity, the followers of the God of Israel have drifted far from that God’s teaching and will. Time and time again Christianity has needed prophets and prophetesses to provide a critique from within and call us back to ourselves. Yet Christianity continued in its injustices and drifted farther away because it had silenced the very voices it needed.

This has been especially problematic for Christianity in the United States. During the Second Great Awakening Christianity in the United States took a dramatic turn for the worse. The legacy of the manufactured revivals and camp meetings was that Christianity became easily enthralled by spectacle and theatrics, Charisma became the most sought after trait among its leaders, and the faith of many was founded upon an extremely narrow understanding of the Gospel. (I will deal with this in greater detail in my next post.)

Since the Second Great Awakening, the devolution of Christianity in the U.S. has continued, in part due to the lack of a robust prophetic tradition to bring it to its senses. This has left us with an easily distracted civil religion, led by charismatic leaders who may or may not follow Jesus’ teachings, that is easily co-opted by other agendas and ideologies. Christianity again finds itself excusing, participating in, and even advocating for various injustices often in violation of some of Jesus’ most basic teachings. (How many Christians serve in the U.S. empire’s military, perhaps the largest single source of violence and oppression in the world today, without a second thought despite Jesus’ teaching that we should love our enemy?)

Looking out upon the current state of affairs, in which I see a highly problematic and ultimately apostate status quo dominating much of Christianity, I, as Niebuhr, am forced to ask, “What must the church do to save itself?”

Ultimately I think a rebirth of the prophetic tradition is an integral part of any serious attempt to address longstanding issues within Christianity. Christianity desperately needs prophets who love God more than their acceptance within Christian culture. Indeed any answer to Park’s two questions will require that Christianity create a space where it can receive criticism and enact reforms, and what better way to do this than to revive what it has lost?

So while people like Park and the other Killjoy Prophets, people asking the tough questions of the Church, people pointing out injustices in the Church, are often branded as insufficiently Christian, silenced, alienated or are put out of the Church, I hope they continue to keep speaking up. Like the prophets of old, they may find themselves operating from the margins, calling to the establishment in the city from the lonely places in the desert, but how else will the injustices and problems within Christianity be challenged or changed?

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Speakfaithfully Podcast Episode 5: The Walk for Change at UND with Dani Miller and Emmy Scott


walk for change

Today’s episode focuses on the Walk for Change at UND, a Native American organized event that was created in response to a variety of racist and insensitive incidents at UND. At the end of the walk organizers put forward a number of demands to the UND administration and laid out the consequence if these demands were not met by December 2014. For more on this and the larger context at UND we turn to Native American UND alumnae Dani Miller and Emmy Scott.

Episode 5 – The Walk for Change at UND with Dani Miller and Emmy Scott

Thanks for listening, I hope you enjoyed this episode. Stay tuned for next week’s interview!


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Speakfaithfully Podcast Episode 4: Creating Safe Spaces for LGBT people within Christianity with James and Rebecca Farlow

On today’s episode we discuss one straight couple’s efforts to create safe spaces for LGBT people within Christianity , including their new non-profit Sanctuary.

Episode 4 – Creating Safe Spaces for LGBT people within Christianity 

I hope you enjoy this episode. Next week may be an off week due to scheduling issues with my other job but stay tuned for more conversations to inform and challenge you.


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Speakfaithfully Podcast Episode 2: Socialism with Mike Anderson


For today’s episode of the Speakfaithfully podcast we discuss Socialism with Mike Anderson.

Episode 2 – Socialism with Mike Anderson

I hope you enjoy this episode. Next week, we will be discussing the treatment of War on Terror veterans with Joe Jackson, a former corpsman with the Marines who served in Iraq.

Feel free to email comments and questions to

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The Need for Healthcare Reform

Countries with and without Universal Healthcare

Countries with and without Universal Healthcare

My job is full-time but because of a loophole (I’m paid through a grant) I do not get medical insurance through it. When I got this job I purchased medical insurance privately, which costed me $500 a month and it was crappy insurance.

So as you can imagine I was pretty elated when last January when I applied for and got on medical insurance through the Affordable Care Act. The ACA coverage was actually better than my previous coverage.

However, last week I was stopped at the pharmacist because my insurance card from the ACA was being rejected after having worked just the month before. I checked my mail to find a letter dated two weeks earlier informing me they needed additional income verification, and apparently my ACA insurance was in some sort of hiatus. I called, and found out I needed to mail in proof of my income which I did.

Today I found out I was rejected because I make too much money. I apparently had been accepted previously erroneously for some reason. Also, my insurance didn’t just stop this month, but the month before.

Currently I am looking at a medical bill for the three doctor’s visits I had when I didn’t know I wasn’t insured. It is for $1331.66. *One* doctor’s visit alone (I had to go in for a chest cold that had kept me basically bed-ridden for a week) cost me $674.00

The kicker was I am about to start a second full-time job (at near minimum wage) that I got just to help save up this summer. Now most of that money basically just vanished, even before I worked an hour.

I know things in life cost money. I know unfortunate things happen. But this is perhaps the 100th time I’ve had something “unfortunate” happen in my dealings with the healthcare industry of this nation. Like that time I needed an eye surgery 10 days after losing my job to seasonal cutbacks. Or that time earlier this year I had to pay $1000 a month for coverage and my basic medications because my coverage was shit. Or that time I started a new medication but found out (when I got the bill) it was going to cost me $1,000 a month out of pocket to take it.

Most of these issues have stemmed from my Juvenile Arthritis and a related eye issue which are not caused by lifestyle or any sort of choice on my part. I also can’t just “tough it out” and go without healthcare. My decision in many of these cases is to be grossly exploited by an industry designed for profit, or gradually but permanently lose mobility in my spine or gradually but permanently lose my eyesight. So far I’ve been lucky enough to pay these bills. I’ve emptied my savings, or found additional work or been able to borrow money from friends and family so I didn’t have to choose between rent and medical care. But what about those that aren’t that lucky, or those whose injuries or diseases leave them unable to work?

I know my stories are a drop in the bucket and anecdotes are not always factually true. However, the U.S. healthcare system is the most inefficient in the worldand is ranked 37th in the world for the care it provides but number one for the amount spent.

To me, it has been clear for some time that we need massive healthcare reform now. I am not talking about plugging up loopholes here and there, token reforms, or legislation aimed at mitigating some of the problems in the current status quo. Suggesting these are solutions to the problems caused by our healthcare industry is like suggesting taking aspirin will treat cancer.

I am talking about reforms that finally treat healthcare as a human right and as a public good, not as a market to be privatized and profited from. Numerous other aspects of our society are already treated this way (fire departments, police departments, public schools, etc.), why not public health?

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Speakfaithfully Podcast Episode 1: An Introduction


For several weeks I have been quietly working on a new project: the Speakfaithfully podcast. I have been refining my vision for the podcast, honing the technical aspects of recording and editing remote interviews and setting up interviews.

And today, the first episode of the Speakfaithully podcast is here! Below is the first short episode that just introduces myself, the podcast and what I hope to achieve with it.  In the near future it will be available on iTunes, but for now I am just posting them here.

Episode 1

Stay tuned for new episodes every Sunday!



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Everything I have to say about the #SiouxperDrunk Controversy and T-Shirts

sioux cropped

Dear UND and larger Grand Forks Community,

Stop being dicks to Native Americans.


-Speakfaithfully/Kevin Gonzaga

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Jeff Kinley and Looking at the Wrong Sins in the Wrong Place

The (Alleged) Coming Global Storm

Recently a Christian author named Jeff Kinley released his book, As it Was in the Days of Noah. This release was timed to coincide with the release of the film Noah, apparently in an attempt to take advantage of free popular attention and discussion, and to maximize exposure and profit.

In this book Kinley claims that the world today matches the description that is given of the End Times in the Bible. The “End Times” that Kinley is referring to is the supposed period of time at the end of human history where various judgments and events are predicted to unfold.

To support his claim that we are heading towards a “Coming Global Storm” he has two main arguments. First, Kinley suggests that we are living in a time of “unrestrained immorality” that mirrors the “pandemic godlessness” seen in the Bible during the time of Noah.  In particular Kinley noted a removal of God from society, a hostility towards biblical morality, the legalization of gay marriage, and the general culture shift in the United States.

Second, Kinley notes the formation of the modern nation-state of Israel. Kinley recently stated that, “Ezekiel 37:12 says that Israel’s going to be re-gathered to the holy land. There are more Jews moving in every day than there have been in 20 centuries,” he said. “All the prophecies that we talk about … none of those things can happen unless Israel is a nation again.”

Kinley is shrewd in his writing; he guides his readers to the conclusion that we are in the End Times but stops short of making direct claims. No doubt he has learned from past Christian authors who did make concrete (date/time) predictions about the End Times and were proven wrong.

Where do Christians Find Sin Worthy of Judgment?

While there are numerous issues with Kinley’s writing that deserve attention, there is one that I want to focus on in more detail; that issue is the problematic tendency for Christians to locate the sins that God is going to judge outside of the Christian community.

Kinley’s work locates the rampant sinfulness that allegedly matches up with his understanding of the End Times safely outside of the Christian community. His book is one of many examples of Christians predicting or declaring God’s judgment and implicating the sin of others. 

I suspect this tendency is in no small part due to the popularity of the culture war narrative in Christian culture.  The culture war narrative suggests that Christian values/Christianity/Good Christians are under attack by outside secularizing forces that seek to destroy Christianity, revel in sin and lead people away from the teachings of scripture. This narrative divides people into two opposed camps: “Good Christians” and “Evil Secularizing Forces/Compromised Christians.” This narrative naturally inclines Christians who believe in it to look for sin worthy of God’s judgment “Out There” instead of within their own community.

My Main Concern With This Tendency

I think this preference for finding sin worthy of God’s judgment outside of the Christian community is self-serving, arrogant and immature. That being said, my main issue with this tendency is that it does not track with Christian scriptures.

Many times (most of the time?) when God pronounces judgment it was the sin of God’s own people, not outsiders, that was offensive to God. In many of these instances the sin that was in question was Israel’s failure to provide justice for the poor and the marginalized or even worse, the exploitation of the marginalized and the poor by God’s followers. 

The Book of Amos is an example of one of several scriptural narratives that support my concerns on this issue, so I want to loot at it in a bit more detail.

A Lesson From Amos

Amos was a prophet who suggested that God was going to judge Israel for their sins. In Amos 5:1-11, Amos makes it known that Israel should prepare itself for the a military exile coming at the hands of the Assyrians because God is judging them as a result of their perversion of justice and exploitation of the poor. Not only had they failed to provide justice for the poor and the marginalized, their justice system was corrupt and they were exploiting the poor. The only hope to avoid this judgment according to Amos was to “seek the LORD,” and to once again embody justice and righteousness as a nation.

Amos was writing to Israel during the 8th century BCE, during the concurrent reigns of Uzziah and Jereoboam II. During this time Israel was experiencing a “Golden Age,” a time of prosperous peace marked by affluence, high religious practice (with low religious understanding), confidence in its military strength (fresh from military victories no less), increasing urbanization, and an increasing divide between the poor and rich. Archeological evidence from this time period fits the literary depiction of Israel we find during this time.

Again, it should be noted that God’s judgment on Israel for its treatment of the poor was not unique to Amos. The scriptures have many other examples of the God of Israel judging Israel for failing to provide justice for the poor, the marginalized and the oppressed as this was consistently a concern for the God of Israel. (See for example Ezekiel 16)

Now how easily could we transfer that description of Israel, an Israel worthy of judgment, to the contemporary United States, perhaps after the invasion of Iraq before the housing bubble burst?  How many Christians, in this time of affluence and prosperity, bought larger more expensive versions of items they already had and didn’t need instead of using those resources to feed the poor? How many Christians exploited undocumented labor as they built or remodeled their debt financed houses instead of fighting for the rights of undocumented workers? How many Christians pursued the American Dream with renewed vigor while ignoring widespread injustice in our “justice system?”

Looking at the Wrong Sin in the Wrong Place

Kinley’s book points an accusatory finger to those outside of Christianity, suggesting their sin is both a sign that a “Coming Global Storm” of judgement is on the horizon and the reason that judgment is coming in the first place.  However, the scriptures for the most part point us in a different direction. It appears we are looking for the wrong sins in the wrong place. If there is a coming judgment, the words of Amos and many others should encourage Christians to seek out sin in their own community, specifically as it relates to ignoring the plight of the poor and marginalized and the exploitation of these groups.  

This really isn’t that radical of a statement. After all, the Bible and Jesus are largely or completely silent on the controversial issues brought up so often by Kinley and others.  Sadly, this has not stopped Christians from ignoring the words of our own prophets like Amos, preferring to fixate on these contested issues, and using the controversy and fear to sell books, solidify their power in a local pulpit, or develop a political base as they run for office.

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Debunking the Myth of the Free Ride

In my last post I discussed how Cliven Bundy’s incredibly offensive racist statements in part stem from a worldview in part shaped by the Myth of the Free Ride, This myth is the belief that minorities are getting more than their fair share in the U.S. by mooching off the welfare system or benefiting from outdated Civil Rights legislation that is no longer needed. While Bundy was rebuked for airing these opinions out int he open I think they are more widespread than we would like to admit and we should probably talk about the myth.

To that point to provide some points of conversation and an entry point for anyone trying to think through this issue more I decided to write this second post.  In this post I will state some common claims, all of which I heard repeated within the last two weeks, that are part of the larger Myth of the Free Ride. Then I will confront these beliefs with recent stats and figures from Government statistics, reports and published peer-reviewed studies that reflect national realities.

Claims vs. Realities

Claim: “People on welfare are lazy dishonest minorities perpetually mooching off honest (white) taxpayers. They cheat the system, they often spend their money on unwisely on luxury items they don’t need and end up dependent on government hand outs.”

Reality: As of January 1, 2014, 4.1% of the U.S. population was on some form of welfare (including welfare, food-stamps, and unemployment insurance), costing a total of $131.9 billion.  

38.8% of people receiving welfare are white. 39.9% of people receiving welfare are black.

34.2% of people receiving Aid to Families with Dependent Children, a form welfare, spend less than a year receiving from that program.

In 2002, a government report found fraud to be an issue in less than 2% of welfare cases, and most of this fraud is committed by executives within the system, not recipients.

A government report based on 2011 data showed that contrary to the popular image of the “Welfare Queen” the minority living lavishly off public assistance, an image popularized by Ronald Reagan, families on government assistance spent 77% of their family budget on housing, food and transportation, compared to 65% of families not on government assistance. In other words they spend 12% less on non-essentials than their wealthier counterparts.

Increasing attention has also been brought to how welfare (a.k.a. government subsidies) are given to and benefit the middle class, the wealthy and large mega corporations.

Claim: “[Minorities and undocumented immigrants] already have it way better than [white people]. Illegal immigrants get a free ride; their children go to publicly funded school and they get medical care and welfare, but they don’t pay taxes.”

FactsUndocumented immigrants are here for reasons very much tied to U.S. foreign policy. On one hand we have intervened in South American politics, often destabilizing democratically elected governments, supporting dictators, and training South American death squads in our “School of Americas” all for the benefit of large U.S. based companies.  On the other hand we have closed legal means for people to follow work that is based in the U.S. even as we have allowed the flow of capital and goods across our borders with laws like NAFTA. The result is that immigrants come to the U.S. for work or are fleeing the human rights abuses we have sown in their countries. Due to legal structures here in the U.S. they remain undocumented. For some time such people have acted, and continue to act, as a source of cheap, disposable, and exploitable labor.

Considering all of this, I would not characterize a person who voluntarily leaves their home and native land, or flees it due to political crisis, accepts the exploitation of smugglers, the risks of dying in the desert, the risks of detention and deportation, the risk of being separated from their family, all to be underpaid at mostly difficult and dirty jobs someone who is out for a free ride.

Additionally there is the issue that undocumented immigrants do pay taxes. In 2010, undocumented immigrants contributed $10.2 billion in state and federal taxes or roughly 6.4% of their income. If we allowed them to work here legally their effective tax rate would only rise a whopping .6% to 7% of their total income. (Full Report Here)

Claim: “Minorities get admitted into schools, get scholarships, and get hired for jobs over more deserving white people because of Affirmative Action.”

minorities getting a free ride

Context: This was from a FB conversation on my feed that was started by the posting of an article on white privilege.

Facts: Affirmative Action was put in place to counteract an explicit or implicit systemic preference for white people in admittance to schools, jobs, and other aspects of our society. Both the progress we have made as a society on this issue and the benefits minorities have received due to Affirmative Action are both over-stated.

In regards to hiring practices, racial preference for whites in hiring is still an ongoing problem. Several studies have shown that the same resume with a black sounding name versus a white sounding name received 50% to 30% less call backs for interviews. This pattern was found across all industries and even groups that labelled themselves as “Equal Opportunity Employers.” (Example 1 – 2003Example 2 – 2010)

In regards to education, Affirmative Action (or some type of legislation and attention) is still needed as segregation and academic inequality have continued to persist in our society.

Segregation never left some parts of our society and it is reforming in others. While all white schools are not allowed, there are many all-black schools that are being formed not due to accidents or communities being largely black, but by intention zoning that whisks white children away from all-black schools that are often next door. Currently 50% of black students attend schools that are 90% minorities.

Whatever the more abstract psychological and social consequences of the resurgence of segregation, the fact that minorities receive less funding leads to very concrete academic consequences. Educational resources and finances follow white children and students of color receive less money than their white peers due to federal loopholesThese economic and funding disparities are in part why white students are more likely to have higher grades than all races except Asians.

To suggest all admittance to college should be “race blind” because Affirmative Action gives minorities an unfair advantage over and against more deserving white students is to ignore how our education system is failing children of color.

In regards to college scholarships, a 2011 statistical study debunked the popular myth that minority applications have access to more grants and get more funds than white students because of race-based scholarships and programs. The following are some highlights I pulled from the document.

  • Less than 5% of program scholarships and 10% of individual scholarships had any race requirement. Those often had additional criteria such as community service and academic excellence.
  • Numerous explicit “White’s only” scholarships exist in the U.S. alongside scholarships made for minorities.
  • Additionally, numerous scholarships carry an implicit bias for white students by the nature of the activities, geographic locations, countries, field of study and religion they are based around.
  • White students win 69.3% of all scholarships in the U.S. (almost exactly double what all minorities combined win) while they make up 61.8% of the total student population.
  • When the race of the recipients of private scholarships was compared to the percentage each race made up of the total student body, the statistics showed a preference for white students by about 14%.
  • When recipients of all scholarships who were of similar financial need were compared, the statistics still showed a preference for white students by about 6%.
  • When recipients of all scholarships who were of similar excellent academic backgrounds (3.51 GPA and above) the statistics still showed a preference for white students by about 7%

Closing Thoughts

In each of these three claims that I have examined there is a huge disconnect between the Myth of the Free Ride and the actual reality of our society. While this might not change everyone’s mind on this issue, it is at least a starting point.

Perhaps the next conversation to have after this one is about who is really pushing this narrative in society via the media and who benefits from pushing a narrative that inclines people to blame poor minorities for inequity and problems in the United States. Hint: It’s the wealthy elite.

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